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The student-run news site of Mt. Vernon High School

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The MV Current

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The MV Current

ASL honors are worth it

ASL honors are worth it

Ashley Offenbach, News Editor May 26, 2017

Graduating with American Sign Language Honors is well worth it because it gives many opportunities after graduation. I plan on minoring in ASL/English Interpreting in college, so doing this program...

2.5 years of newspaper

2.5 years of newspaper

Ashley Offenbach, News Editor May 23, 2017

Newspaper may only be a thirty minute class each day, but it is worth it. As long as you manage your time the class will be a breeze. By breaking the newspaper up into stags, or small groups, it becomes...

Advil may do more harm than good

Advil may do more harm than good

Ashley Offenbach, News Editor May 11, 2017

Advil is a common over-the-counter medicine that treats headaches, muscle pains, toothaches, cramps, and other minor injuries. It has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration for a great deal...

Dealing with stress

Dealing with stress

Ashley Offenbach, News Editor March 30, 2017

Stress is a word that scares everyone. Many high schoolers deal with too much stress, whether caused by classes or themselves, but not everybody understands how to deal with it. There is no one way...

New buses, new features

Ashley Offenbach, News Editor March 6, 2017

Technology has become a part of everyday life and is beginning to become integrated in many everyday objects. The newest technology at MV is on the busses, where many new features are being added. The...

MV alumni

MV alumni

Ashley Offenbach, MVC News Editor February 14, 2017

College lets students decide what they want to study and take classes pertaining to that degree to better their skills. Cassie York, a 2016 graduate, now attends Cornell in New York and is majoring...

ITT Tech shuts its doors forever

Ashley Offenbach, News Editor September 8, 2016

Students in high school are generally focused on life after graduation. For many, this includes colleges. Sometimes, students decide to attend a community college either for the programs offered or the...

ATHLETE of the Month Julia Wayer brings her all to volleyball.

Athlete of the month: Julia Wayer

Ashley Offenbach, News Editor September 2, 2016

Volleyball just recently started for this school year and the first game was August 15, 2016. There are many seniors on the team this year, but Julia Wayer is known for her accomplishments, such as:...

FORMER MVHS student Derek Bond auditions for the "Hee-Haw" variety show at Ten West Center for the Arts.

Ten West prepares for a hootenanny

Ashley Offenbach, News Editor August 26, 2016

The Ten West Theatre in Fortville is putting on a tribute to the old show “Hee-Haw.” “Hee-Haw” aired on CBS from 1969-1992, and was comprised of comedy sketches and country music. The show...

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