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The student-run news site of Mt. Vernon High School

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The MV Current

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The MV Current

Bulletin board of photos of ASL signs.

Tips for Learning a New Language

Dawson Maxwell, MVC writer September 28, 2023

When I tell people that I speak a fair amount of German, people often say something along the lines of, “That’s cool, I also tried to learn a second language. I quit after a few days, though.” I...

Gluten Free Tips

Isabelle Hernandez, MVC writer and photographer November 1, 2022

Being gluten-free is often a hassle, whether people are trying to eat out, finding favorite food substitutes, or avoiding carb cravings. People are gluten-free for many reasons, such as having celiac disease,...

The “Correct” Way to Study

Delainey Root, MVC writer October 30, 2022

For hundreds of years, students have been plagued with the question of what is the most effective way to study. Every student has had a big test that they need to study for, but have been unsure as to...

Quick and Easy Ways to Save the Environment

Delainey Root, MVC writer October 19, 2022

Saving the planet can seem like a near impossible task; online, many people showcase themselves changing their whole lifestyle just to help. However, in reality, someone can simply adjust a few minor things...

notebooks, colored pencils and pencils (school supplies)

Tips and Tricks for Back to School

Makayla Faulk August 12, 2022

There are many things to do that can prepare students for this school year. This year can be whatever you want it to be; start off strong and it will be easier from here on out. The number one tip...

 Things to know before applying to big schools.

Tips Before Applying to College

Madalyn Cottrell, MVcurrent Writer September 25, 2020

Applying for colleges can be a stressful time of the year, especially for seniors and graduating juniors. As deadlines for application submissions approach, here are a few things to take into consideration...

Audition Tips

Madalyn Cottrell, Staff Writer February 3, 2020

Auditions for Mt. Vernon’s production of Elton John’s Aida have passed, and looking into future auditions there are some things one may need to know before taking the stage. Going in, some people might...

Studying Tips 101

Emma Moore, MVC Staff Reporter March 29, 2019

There are several different forms of studying and methods, and students have different ways that work for them. Of the different ways of studying, there are three main ways of preparing for a test...

Tips for a successful audition

Madalyn Cottrell, MVC Staff Reporter February 14, 2019

Auditions for “High School Musical” have come and gone. No matter where you’re auditioning, they can be rather stressful. They do not always go as planned, and casting results can break hearts. No...

Tips for midterms

Abby Cook, MVC Sports Editor September 26, 2018

As the first quarter winds down, many students struggle with studying for midterms and getting their grades up, specifically lower classmen who have not experienced midterm week and do not have many methods...

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