Quick and Easy Ways to Save the Environment

Delainey Root, MVC writer

Saving the planet can seem like a near impossible task; online, many people showcase themselves changing their whole lifestyle just to help. However, in reality, someone can simply adjust a few minor things about their lives and help out the Earth around them. If everyone made these few easy changes, the environment would be healthier and safer for everyone, especially the upcoming generations. 

One way to help is to use fewer disposable products. This ranges from plastic water bottles to plastic shopping bags. Plastic is a substance that takes a very long time to decompose; a single plastic water bottle takes up to 450 years to break down in landfills. Landfills are getting more and more full.

Lighter things, like plastic bags, commonly get blown out of landfills before they can decompose, and end up in oceans and other biodiverse areas. When animals encounter these plastics they think they are food and can die from consuming them. In addition, plastic products commonly contain heavy metals, flame retardants, phthalates, bisphenols and fluorinated compounds. These are very harmful to animals and the humans who inhale or ingest the hazardous substances. These harmful items are then released into the soil, or, when the plastic is burned, released into the air. A quick fix is to more often use metal silverware, reusable cloth shopping bags and metal water bottles. 

Another way is to eat more locally sourced foods. Eating locally helps keep a clean and healthy diet by eating more fresh fruits and veggies. It also reduces the amount of energy and carbon emissions produced by trucks that transport the goods. The Council on the Environment of New York City estimated that a truck carrying strawberries from California to New York takes 435 fossil fuel calories. This also has the added benefit of reducing the number of chemicals used during the growing of fruit. 

Finally, make a compost bin. A compost bin is an outdoor container that turns organic waste into compost. About 30% of what ends up in landfills could be instead turned into compost, which is much better for the environment. The compost then enriches the soil and makes no need for fertilizer. It also greatly reduces carbon footprints. Without chemical fertilizers, the soil is much healthier. Chemical fertilizers cause many issues such as soil degradation, nitrogen leaching, soil compaction, reduction in soil organic material and loss of soil carbon. 

If every person made small changes in their everyday life the Earth would be much healthier. By taking one small step today, people can make a big change in the health of the world and make sure the world is healthy and safe for future generations.