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The student-run news site of Mt. Vernon High School

The MV Current

The MV Current

The ASL Club Valentines Day Gifts were a variety of items sold from February 12th to 14th to help fundraise for Mt. Vernon’s American Sign Language club.

MVHS ASL Valentines

Hannah Elstro, MVC Copy Editor February 29, 2024

The History of Valentines Day

Jessica Almaz, MVC writer February 13, 2024

On February 14, Valentine's Day, a national holiday commemorating love, is celebrated. This holiday may seem simple at first, but it actually has a long and deep history.  Valentine’s Day first began...

How To Origami — Valentine's Cat Edition

How To Origami — Valentine’s Cat Edition

Hannah Elstro, MVC Writer/Photographer February 28, 2022

This Week’s: Historical Fact — The first book about origami ever made was Tsutsumi-no-Ki, published in 1764 by an unknown author. The book showed how to fold noshi and tsutsumi, which are both just...

The History of Valentine’s Day

Delainey Root, MVC Writer February 14, 2022

On February 14th of every year, Valentine’s day is celebrated. Gifts, flowers, and candy are traded among friends, families, and couples all around the world. However, Valentine's Day has a history that...

Valentine’s Day Traditions

Delainey Root, MVC Writer February 10, 2022

Valentine’s Day is a day filled with candy, flowers, couples, and cards. All over the world, people celebrate the people they care for in different ways.  In Japan, women present gifts to men. They...

Valentine's Day gifts

Inexpensive Valentine’s Day dates

Clare Bielefeld, MVC Copy and Opinions Editor February 7, 2019

With Valentine’s day right around the corner, many couples are saving up to splurge on the big day. Some prefer to go big for a romantic show of affection for their dates, but many are looking to save...

Valentine’s DIY ideas

Clare Bielefeld, MVC Staff Reporter February 13, 2018

Valentine’s day is coming up. That means hearts everywhere, red and pink themed candy in stores, and of course, gifts. “Valentine’s day is tight,” said Spencer Kern, 11. Gifts can be pricey,...

Love is in the air for some

Love is in the air for some

Hannah Warfel, MVC Features Editor February 23, 2017

Valentine's day is the one day a year where people go all out for their loved ones without having a reason. While Valentine's day is usually seen as a couples holiday, it is a day to celebrate all types...

No love for Valentine’s Day

Caty McGovern, MVC Opinions Editor February 9, 2017

It is the month of February. The Valentine’s Day decor has been put up. Heart-shaped decorations and cupids are surrounding us. I do not care for Valentine’s Day and I do not care who knows it....

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