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The MV Current

The student-run news site of Mt. Vernon High School

The MV Current

The MV Current

Special Counsel Investigation

Rex Snow, MVC Staff Reporter April 25, 2018

A Special Counsel investigation is being led by former FBI Director, Robert Mueller, in order to examine possible Russian interference in the 2016 United States election, and coordination between the Russian...

After the Olympics

Joan Lee, MVC News Editor April 10, 2018

The Olympics in Pyeongchang has ended. During the 2018 Olympics, North and South Korea made an unprecedented move, forming a joint team. Despite the fact that the two Koreas are still technically at...

Government shuts down

Clare Bielefeld, MVC Staff Reporter February 12, 2018

On January 20, 2018, the government began a shutdown that continued for almost three days. Many aren’t sure what it means and why it happened, but it left thousands of Americans enraged for different...

Focusing on the positive in 2018

Maggie Brown, MVC Editor-in-Chief January 29, 2018

2017 was a rough year for the planet, and as with every new year, there is hope that 2018 will be better. Negativity has already been prevalent in 2018, such as the Logan Paul video that graphically showed...

The wall prototypes

Maggie Brown, MVC Editor-in-Chief November 22, 2017

One of the biggest promises that Donald J. Trump made to Americans during his campaign for the presidency was a wall that would run almost 2000 miles across the United States’ shared border with Mexico....

Senator Flake criticizes President Trump

Joan Lee, MVC News Editor November 20, 2017

On the Senate floor, Senator Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., made a political retirement speech, in which he announced that he would not run for reelection in 2018. He also criticized the Republican Party for the...

Donald Glover made history at the Emmy’s

Sydney Blankenship, MVC Staff Reporter November 16, 2017

On September 17, 2017, Donald Glover made history at the Primetime Emmy Awards. This awards show highlights the best shows and the people who make the shows possible. Donald Glover is an award- winning...

Miss Texas on Charlottesville

Maggie Brown, MVC Editor-in-Chief September 18, 2017

Margana Wood, Miss Texas in the 2018 Miss America pageant, has been a hot topic on social media recently. In the pageant, which Donald Trump owned until 2015, Miss Texas gave a very blunt answer to a question...

Chaos in Charlottesville

Joan Lee, News Editor August 30, 2017

In Charlottesville, Virginia, two separate marches occurred. There was “Unite the Right” rally against the removal of a Confederate statue of General Robert E. Lee. There were white supremacists and...

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