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The MV Current

The student-run news site of Mt. Vernon High School

The MV Current

The MV Current

History of Yule

Jocelynn Calderon, MVC writer November 28, 2023

Yule, also known as the Winter Solstice, occurs on December 21st or 22nd in the Northern Hemisphere and June 20th–21st in the Southern Hemisphere. This is when the Earth's axis is furthest from the sun,...

History of 9/11

Ollie Sovern-Fletcher, MVC writer September 21, 2023

The September 11th terrorist attacks were a tremendous part of history in 2001, and are written into modern history books. The Twin Tower collapse is the most known, but there were other important events...

History of Feminism

Delainey Root, MVC writer March 3, 2023 defines feminism as “a belief in the political, economic and cultural equality of women.” Feminism has always been an extensively debated topic, but most people do not know the history...

History of Holiday Traditions

Wyatt Hodge, MVC writer January 13, 2023

There are many ways to celebrate during the holidays. Some families celebrate in their own unique way creating new traditions, but there are also a lot of traditions that many families share. Some people...

History of Sea Shanties

Wyatt Hodge, MVC writer December 15, 2022

Sea shanties, or sea chanties, are traditionally songs sung aboard sailing vessels used to keep the crew in sync as they work to the rhythm. Obviously there are not many sailing ships still roaming the...

two cats sitting on a rock wall

Rome and Greece

Duncan Schiller August 18, 2022

This year, Mt. Vernon students had the opportunity to travel abroad. Education First partners with Mount Vernon High School to plan trips for students to other countries. The trip to Rome and Greece was...

Native American Heritage Month

Katelyn Salazar, MVC Writer/Photographer November 30, 2021

What do most people think when they hear it is November? That it is close to Christmas? That it is almost Thanksgiving? Or maybe people do not really give it too much thought. But for Native Americans,...

This doll is known to move by herself or fall onto the floor.

Haunted Indiana: The Roads Hotel

Madalyn Cottrell, MVC Staff Reporter March 6, 2019

This past weekend, I had the privilege of visiting the historic Roads Hotel with MV Current photographer Piper Todd. Located in Atlanta, Indiana, this quiet period hotel has stood for 126 years. The seemingly...

German Club at MV

Clare Bielefeld, MVC Opinions and Copy Editor September 4, 2018

German Club is starting back up this year. The meetings will be held in Mr. Mitchell’s room, A212, during SRT every other Thursday starting September 6th. The club is focused on celebrating German culture...

Korean peace?

Rex Snow, MVC Staff Reporter May 17, 2018

The Korean Peninsula has experienced conflict ever since its division into North and South Korea after 1945. This strife between the two countries got worse when the Korean War broke out in 1950 and ended...

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