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The student-run news site of Mt. Vernon High School

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The MV Current

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The MV Current

 Ashley Wyman (11), Katelynn Hexamer (11), and Anna Starken (11) having fun at prom.

Prom at MVHS

Madalyn Cottrell, MVCurrent Writer May 17, 2021

Mt. Vernon High School’s juniors and seniors dressed their best for the 2021 prom at Daniel’s Vineyard on April 24th. Last year’s prom was cancelled due to the outbreak of COVID-19, so students were...

Things to do Over Spring Break

Graci Watson, MVCurrent Writer March 9, 2021

It is finally nearing spring break which means we can relax and enjoy the freedom of no school for two weeks. With that amount of free time, getting bored can easily happen. There are many things to fight...

CupHead Game

Graci Watson, MVCurrent Writer February 25, 2021

  The game “Cuphead” is a cross platform adventure game. “Cuphead” came out on September 29, 2017 and costs $20. The game has a retro feel since the designers gave the game a 1930’s art...

SIMS 4 Gets Famous

Graci Watson, MVCurrent Writer February 12, 2021

The expansion pack “Get Famous” is an extension available for the Sims 4 game. It adds new building items, hair styles, clothes, and more. With this $20 game extension, players can even have the Sim...

The Sims 4

Graci Watson, MVCurrent Writer December 15, 2020

The popular game The Sims 4 came out in 2017. The Sims is a simulation game where the player can control how they want their character to live. The game is relatively cheap, costing only $10. When creating...

Nolan Gronowski (12), Daimon Anderson (11), and Landen Norton (12) in the guy’s dressing room apart, talking and having fun

Behind the Scenes of Singin’ in the Rain

Madalyn Cottrell, MVCurrent Writer December 4, 2020

Not all high school theatre programs have been as fortunate as MV Theatre. Many fall productions were cancelled, and some were prohibited from performing at all. But in the midst of an unforgettable pandemic,...


Sophia Dewael, MVCurrent Writer November 3, 2020

Houseplants are becoming more and more popular for both Generation Z and millenials. Not only are they a good decoration, but can be a form of company. Many indoor plants are given names like pets are....

Another picture of DS turned on

Why You Should Get a DS

Graci Watson, MVcurrent Writer October 7, 2020

On September 5, I decided to buy a Nintendo DSi. The DSi is a gaming device that was released on November 21, 2004. The device is old, but when playing on the DSi, it can bring back memories and still...

Land of the Lost Movie

Graci Watson, MVcurrent Writer October 6, 2020

Ever since I was young, my favorite movie has been”‘Land of the Lost.” This movie came out in 2009, but it still looks very good for a movie from the early 2000’s.  It is a comedy/ adventure movie...

Why You Should Dye Your Hair

Graci Watson, MVcurrent Writer September 7, 2020

One of the many things to do during quarantine is dying your hair. I had been asking my mom if I could dye my hair for four years, and during quarantine she finally gave in. In early August, my mom allowed...

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