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The MV Current

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The MV Current

Dunkirk is brutally stunning look at WWII

Hannah Warfel, Reviews Editor August 30, 2017

This year, the movie industry has shelled out quite a few amazing movies. From “Spider Man” and “Guardians of the Galaxy” to “Despicable Me 3” and “The Emoji” movie, there are so many movies...

August horoscopes

Maggie Brown, MVC Editor-in-Chief August 17, 2017

Aries- It's neither who nor whom. Nobody is there. Are you feeling okay? Taurus-Fasten your seatbelts gentlemen, the captain has just turned on the”Bigfoot Sighting” sign. Things could get nasty....

“Wonder Woman” is the wonder of the summer

Carly McWilliams, MVC Reviews Editor July 26, 2017

The movie of the summer is here, and it does not feature questionably trained lifeguards with unrealistic abs or shark-infested tornados terrorizing the planet for the fifth time. This summer, the film...

The Nitro Circus is coming to town

The Nitro Circus is coming to town

Claire Dorsch, Editor in Chief May 30, 2017

Nitro Circus is a festival for action sports that started in Utah in 2003, founded by Jeremy Rawle, Gregg Godfrey, and action sports superstar Travis Pastrana. It is also a show on MTV. This summer,...

“The Ship Beyond Time” is beyond a fan favorite

Keiko Kreklau, Staff Writer May 26, 2017

When someone has an itch on their back and contort like a pretzel trying to scratch it, only to realize reaching that is physically impossible without bone fractures, the moment a friend agrees to scratch...

Forecastle music festival preview

Caty McGovern, Opinions Editor May 24, 2017

The Forecastle Festival is being held from July 14 to 16 In Louisville, Kentucky. This festival is a three day long music, art, and environmental activism event. This festival was started in 2002. While...

“Wellness” needs a cure

Carly McWilliams, Reviews Editor May 23, 2017

“The Ring” director Gore Verbinski made his return to film with “A Cure for Wellness” in September 2016; however, this movie serves merely as a cure for boredom at most. While some aspects...

People everywhere rave over “Girl from Everywhere”

Keiko Kreklau, Staff Writer May 18, 2017

Time traveling pirate ships, a historical Hawaii setting, and a supposed love triangle; if that is not a recipe for a page-turner, I do not know what is. The title of this book? Heidi Heilig’s “The...

May Horoscopes

May 16, 2017

Aries- Listen to the trembling winds, for they bring news of your future. Taurus - All is not lost. Most is lost, though. Most is lost. Gemini- If faces appear in the rugs beneath your feet, tread...

A fall out with Fall Out Boy

Emme Longman, Staff Writer May 10, 2017

The pop-punk band Fall Out Boy just released a new song called “Young and Menace.” Being a huge FOB fan, I was super excited to see there was a new song out, and I downloaded it right away. When...

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