Thanksgiving Day can bring joy and happiness to family gatherings. Seeing cousins, uncles, and aunts who have traveled from near and far all under one roof just to share memories can make one’s day the best. Part of what makes Thanksgiving memorable is the family traditions. Some families have game nights or participate in Black Friday shopping. Others may go look at Christmas lights.
While traditions vary from family to family, one of the traditions most families have in common is the well-known menu. While the recipe may be different from one family to another, it is the recipe itself that is carried down from generation to generation and is expected to be on the table. The feeling of sitting near loved ones is nice, but the real excitement is the homemade meals.
Among the foods spread out on the Thanksgiving tables, some of the most popular are corn casserole, the famous pairing of turkey and dressing, collard greens, sweet potatoes and the classic pumpkin pie. The spices and sugary sweets brought to the table excite many for their favorite Thanksgiving food.
One would think, the center of attention when it comes to Thanksgiving food would be turkey. Some have even given Thanksgiving Day the nickname “Turkey Day.” Whether traditional, smoked or fried, turkey would likely be the spotlight. However, students at MV think otherwise.
According to a survey of MV students, mac and cheese is the favorite Thanksgiving day food.
Macaroni and cheese is a good nourishment to experiment on. One can fill their plate up with the amazing melted blend of all different kinds of spices and cheeses. Sharp cheddar, colby jack and mozzarella are just some of the cheeses to put into homemade mac n’ cheese. This dish can be a side dish or the main meal. It is truly a Thanksgiving must have for so many MV families.
So if the family is wondering what to make for the Thanksgiving dinner, they should try a little macaroni. What is not to love about mac n’ cheese?