Khloe Patterson Profile


Ryleigh Hinkle, MVC writer

Khloe Patterson is a senior on the Girls’ Varsity Basketball team. She played soccer at MVHS for a little while, but got back into basketball. Patterson has been playing basketball most of her life. “I started around first to second grade,” she said.
While Patterson enjoys her time on the court, her favorite aspect of basketball isn’t the game. “I really like the team aspect, the bus rides and team bonding and how all of that brings us together.”
Although Patterson does not know where she wants to go to college, she does see basketball in her future.
Patterson’s love of the game and her team have created lots of memories, one of her favorites is “The sectional Championship, we had lost to Pendleton before, so we came back and beat them. So all of our hard work really payed off.”
Khloe Patterson is very passionate about basketball. Khloe Patterson, senior basketball player, smiling for a nice picture