Art Club

Junior Zoey Kunkle in the after school club, working on one of their newest projects.

Bri'An Ashley, MVC writer and photographer

Art is a way for people to express their creativity in unlimited ways. Some use it as an outlet for stress or anxiety, while others use it to make money, and some dabble in art as a hobby. Mount Vernon’s Art Club is the same way: it is a way for students to express themselves freely, without judgment.


Art Club is held after school on every Tuesday, and, fortunately, there are no qualifications needed to join. The club does not add any credits, which is the distinction between club and an official class. So students who have busy schedules with other extracurricular activities or classes will not have to worry about assignments or projects being late, as it is a club, so there is no grade.


A Junior at Mount Vernon High School and member of the club, Zoey Kunkle, said, “I like that I can come here and know I will have fun, no stress added, [and that] I can come here and let off some steam if I need to.”


What students seem to enjoy most about art club is that most projects are based on what the students want to do. Mr. Wheeler, the teacher who hosts Mount Vernon’s Art Club, only gives suggestions, letting the students pick if they would like to do that project or not.


For example, a current project that the club is working on are posters to hang on the lockers, a project suggested by Mr. Wheeler that the students liked the idea of. Some students have also been in the club for years, so if they suggest the Art Club re-does something from last year that was a fun experience for them, they most likely will do it. 


Junior, Alyssa Hollar, another member of the club said, “I like the freedom we have here, everything is fun to do.”


Another bonus is that any kids in Art Club who are also in student government or other extracurriculars that know of any projects the school needs done, like fliers, posters, or anything of the sort, can come to Art Club and recommend that as a project as well. The task that is needed to be done for the school is a fun experience for the members, as well as something done for the school by its very own students.


If any students are looking for an after school club to join that lets them express themselves with freedom, they should look into joining Mount Vernon’s very own Art Club.

Alyssa Hollar, a Junior at Mount Vernon, is working on the newest project the Art Club has started.
A project done by the Art Club from their last meeting.
The desk and workspace of Mr Wheeler, the host for Art Club.
Junior Zoey Kunkle in the after school club, working on one of their newest projects.
The back cabinets in the room where Art Club is hosted.