Football Season Begins!
More stories from Emerson Bridgewater
Dylan Kistler, 71, talking to his teammates
A new school year has begun, which means a new football season has started as well. With Coach Kirschner starting his second season with MV, he sees lots of improvement from his new team.
“We are faster and much stronger as a team compared to 2018 Marauder football team,” said Coach Kirschner. “I like what we have done so far, but have a long way to go to reach our potential. Their level of discipline and toughness must improve going forward.”
With a whole new class of seniors, Coach Kirschner is ready to see what they can prove out on the field.
“Seniors are a good group – we have 15 seniors on the team and they are focused and want to finish their high school season as a team that people will remember,” said Coach Kirschner.
A senior class full of leaders is always a good touch to go along with a football team.
“I hope to work my hardest and be a positive influence on my team,” said Luke Rappe, 12. ”Our team is very closely knit and we have a lot of confidence for this season and can’t wait to play.”
The season started on August 23rd and it was a win against Hamilton Heights. The score was 44-23.