November Horoscopes

Emme Longman, MVC Editor in Chief

Aries: Fasting before Thanksgiving should not be your tradition.

Taurus: Liking candles doesn’t make you “quirky.”

Gemini: Start saving up for Christmas now, there are a  lot of people to buy gifts for.

Cancer: Go clean out your car.

Leo: Chinese takeout will not provide you all of your nutrients.

Virgo: Pay more attention to your dog.

Libra: Please, put the cheese stick down. That’s enough.

Scorpio: Drink more water, your organs need it!

Sagittarius: Eating soup everyday will make you nauseous.

Capricorn: You need to push your limits!

Aquarius: Don’t be afraid to try something new, you’ll never know if you like it or not.

Pisces: Are Ugg boots every day really a look?