Homecoming spirit week

Emma Moore, MVC Staff Reporter

Marauder Pride

The 2018 Mt.Vernon spirit week was a popular way to show pride.

Mt.Vernon started with the most colorful Monday, which separated each of the classes by clothing color. The seniors wore blue, juniors red, sophomores yellow, freshmen purple, and the staff green.

On Tuesday, there were many different colors, and ultimately completely clashing outfits of different patterns jumbled together.

Wednesday brought all the iconic vines and memes, and was extremely popular with the student body.  

“I love showing pride for my school and I enjoyed how fun the themes were throughout the week,” said Elizabeth Ahonen, 11.

Thursday hobbled into homecoming week with senior citizens day. There were many canes, nightgowns, and sweaters seen in the hallways.

Last but not least, Friday brought the biggest day of participation for spirit week: Marauder wear. Many supported it by wearing Mt. Vernon gear as the students prepare to cheer for the big game.

“It has been a blast,” said Madalyn Mull, 12. “I love spirit week because you can do whatever you want and you don’t have to worry about people judging you and you can just have fun.”

This is one of the more popular weeks of the year where the school is free to dress up in the themes chosen by the students.

“I like spirit week because I feel that it unifies the school and everyone relate to each other,” said Joe Shepard, 12.

Spirit week has proven to be a week where people can dress in fun outfits and get excited for the football game and dance.