eLearning evaluations

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eLearning Day

The 2017-2018 school year marks the third year that Mt. Vernon High School has implemented the 1:1 technology program, which enables students to complete school work at home on their Chromebook on days in which school is cancelled.

The first of these eLearning days took place on Friday, January 12, and the second occurred on Wednesday, January 24. Students continue to give mixed reviews of the learn-from-home system.

“I like the idea of eLearning day, but I think they give us too much work for homework. I like how 

Students are working on their Chromebooks.
Students studying.

we do not have to make up school days though,” said Logan Leroy, 9.

Students of different grades seem to have similar opinions.


“It’s a lot of work, but I like that we don’t have to make up the days. I like them,” said Ben Wallace, 12.

The inordinate amount of work cited by some students is not a universal issue, however.

“They are great. I get done [with schoolwork] by at

 least 11:30​ a.m.,” said Owen Koon, 9.

MVHS teachers are required to assign enough work to last ninety minutes on eLearning days, which is the same amount of time as a normal class period.

With snow continuing to appear in the forecast for the upcoming winter months, eLearning days could increase as the year goes on. Students should always be prepared by taking their chromebooks home each night and keeping them charged in case of winter weather.