Premature Christmas

More stories from Emme Longman

Why do so many stores put up Christmas items the day after Halloween? To me, it makes me want to buy Christmas decorations less and less the earlier I see them.

“I don’t like when people put up decorations too early, it’s weird,” said Beth Ahonen, 10. “Christmas music is good and all, but a skeleton next to a Christmas tree is too much.”

Seeing all of the Christmas decorations so early gives me gift-giving anxiety. It makes me feel like I need to start buying gifts for people, even if it is months in advance.

Also, what happened to Thanksgiving? I feel like if stores and people decorate their house too early, the Thanksgiving spirit is completely forgot about.

“We had [our halloween decorations] up in the middle of October. People tend to buy a lot of Christmas items at once, and the idea is to get them in the Christmas buying state-of-mind,” said Jackson Schrowe, 11, who works at Bed Bath and Beyond.

Some people, on the other hand, have the exact opposite opinion.

“I love listening to Christmas music. It makes me so happy,” said Joseph Sheppard, 11. “I am happy and excited for the season. Putting up decorations on say, October 8th, is too early, but is it ever too early for Christmas shopping or decorations? I like to be ahead of the game.”