The special week of July

More stories from Emme Longman

During the week of the 4th of July, no sports of any kind are not allowed to compete. This is also called the “Moratorium week.” Moratorium means “the prohibition of an activity.”

There is also no form of practice or conditioning during the week.

The IHSAA rule states that there is to be no contact between the athletes and the coaches at all during the week.

The reason that this week is taken off by athletes to get a break from the rigorous practice and celebrate Independence Week.

This year, it was the week of July 3-July 9th.

“Football got to take the week off. It was a huge relief from practice,” said Tyler Johnson, 9.

The coaches seem to agree about the week.

“I think it helps teams,” said Mr. Soden. “It is very important for players to be able to get away from coaches and their sport for a short amount of time and mentally and physically rest.  Coaches know this week is a no contact and no practice week and should be able to plan accordingly.”


Mr. Soden continued, “Efficiency is a very important concept in athletics, and so is getting a lot accomplished in a short amount of time.  All teams in the state have the same restrictions during moratorium week, so no team can get ahead or fall behind any of their competition.”