The movie “Fantastic Mr. Fox” came out in mid-November of 2009. It follows the main character, Mr. Fox. The movie opens with a scene of him and his wife, Felicity Fox, also known as Mrs. Fox. They are robbing a chicken and squab farm. At the end of the scene, she asks Mr. Fox to find a new line of work: this then sets up a storyline for later in the movie.
This movie explores a copious amount of different values and themes. Its major theme is never to focus on revenge because it can bring people down. This is shown by the three angry farmers Boggus, Bunce, and Bean’s hateful nature toward the fox. They lose everything because of it.
The second main character that the movie focuses on is Mr.Fox’s son Ash. His mother, father, and others repeatedly refer to him as “different” throughout the movie. This is because he is smaller and thinks differently than others. It is shown by the end of the movie that he is just as good.
Overall, I think this movie is amazing. I rate it a ten out of ten and suggest it to anyone wanting to watch a movie in their free time.