Women’s History Month

Ava Hannon, MVC writer and photographer

The Women’s Suffrage movement was a protest that lasted for decades. It was a movement that pushed for women to have the same rights as men. Centuries ago, women were not allowed to own property, have custody of their kids, divorce, wear pants, work fair hours, and, most importantly, vote. It took activists more than 100 years to win that right, and the campaign was not easy. Some of the most important activists of the movement were Susan B. Anthony and Ida Lucy Stone.

Susan B. Anthony was born February 15th, 1820 in Adams, Massachusetts. She was raised under the Quaker belief that everyone was equal under God. Later in her life, she went to Rochester, New York, and met many famous activists who inspired her, including Fredrick Douglass and William Loyd Garrison. Anthony organized the Women’s New York State Temperance Society, and led many peaceful protests fighting for women’s rights.

Another important person who advocated for Women’s Rights was Lucy Stone. Stone was born August 13th, 1818 in West Brookfield Massachusetts. She grew up missing out on opportunities just because she was a woman. Because of this, she decided to defy gender norms by wearing pants and doing things most women were deprived of, which gave her a lot of attention. At the age of 16, she worked as a teacher to save her money to go to college. This was very uncommon, since women mostly worked at home and were denied education. Throughout the 1860’s she traveled all around the US and Canada advocating for women’s rights.

Unfortunately, both of these astonishing activists died before the 19th Amendment was passed, which gave women the right to vote. Even after they could vote, people kept fighting for equal job opportunities, the right to wear pants, and the right to an education. Even now, there are protests going on over abortion laws and equal pay between men and women. There are many other important women who have historically been overlooked due to their gender, which is why March is now called Women’s HIstory Month which we dedicate to talking and learning about them.