Jean skirts to hallways full of sin

More stories from Emma Clifton

March for Our Lives
April 3, 2018

All the cliches about homeschoolers are true. What is that, you ask? Do you really wear pajamas all day? Yes. Do you really wear jean skirts? I would never be caught dead in one, but that does not mean that I saw many a fellow homeschooler draped in denim on a daily basis. Do you get to sleep in late? Yes. Are you really smarter than public schoolers? Okay, that is relative. Are you kind of unsocialized? Well, yes.

So what is it like being a former homeschooler into her second year of public school? In many ways, it has been one of the most exciting times of my life, but in many others it looms daunting and tiring every day.

For one, the social setting is completely different from what I am used to. I have traded the quiet of my room for hallways full of laughter and classrooms full of chatter. Where before the only interaction with my peers was youth group and a weekly co-op, which is a group of homeschool kids meeting together in a church building, now I am faced with seeing up to 1200 students a day, and I actually really enjoyed it. I have always been an incredibly outgoing person and the opportunity to befriend others is a challenging and exciting experience.

Extending past the social aspect of high school, the learning experience has been incredibly different. For me personally, I feel as if my focus is better. Before I could spend all day distracting myself with other things before I could get any school work done, and now I am task-orientated and attentive to assignments so I can get them done before my job. Now, I organize my day better. I get more done when I wake up early, get ready, and fill my school day with constant production.

Furthermore, my preparation for college feels more prioritized with a public school environment. As a senior here, I am surrounded by like-minded individuals who are all working for similar goals and it helps my competitive nature to match their efforts. Within homeschooling, there are fewer resources and groups to help with future college plans.   

All this being said, my homeschool experience was wonderful. I enjoyed working at my own pace, being responsible for my production level, and being able to get real life experience instead of being stuck in a school building all day. However, public school has given me a different viewpoint and experience and I value both in my life.