Global warming is a hot topic

Carly McWilliams, Reviews Editor

It is a fact that has been proven again and again by innumerable scientific associations and organizations across the globe: the Earth’s climate is changing. And not exactly for the better.

Although well-respected groups such as NASA, the National Science Foundation, and even the iconic science guy Bill Nye have confirmed that climate change is a very real dilemma, some people remain skeptical. Nonbelievers have regarded the mere possibility of climate change as a hoax, money-making industry, or even a scam invented by the Chinese.

This severe opposition to a scientifically proven fact is, in my opinion, utterly ridiculous. One cannot claim that our planet is not getting warmer simply because they “don’t believe” that it is; beliefs cannot disprove science. The rising temperature of the Earth cannot be reversed by ridiculing the notion of its existence.

Another aspect of the the arguments against climate change that bothers me is that people are consciously rejecting the idea that we as humans should make the world a cleaner, more environmentally-friendly place. This plan would have virtually no downsides, and would only provide a better planet for our children and their children to grow up in. How any person with the slightest ethical sense could be against this is absolutely baffling to me.

The issue of climate change is more important now than ever before, since the United States is now run by an executive branch who disregards the health of our planet altogether. This radical belief that global warming is just a trivial hoax has become almost a policy of the Republican party, which is absolutely absurd. Regardless of views on other political topics, I think we can all agree that our home is a cause worth fighting for.

While space travel has been making steady advances lately, the idea of colonizing an entirely new planet is centuries away. The planet we are all living on right now is our present and our future, and we have to support it so that it can continue to support us.