NHS book drive

Emme Longman, Staff Writer

Mount Vernon’s National Honor’s Society is running a book drive.

The books need to to be dropped off at the student’s first block teacher, who then will turn them into Mr.Goff.  

The goal of the book drive is to collect and donate 5,000 children’s books by the 2017 graduation. Many of the books come from families that do not need them anymore, as students are going into middle or high school.

The books are donated to the kids and the libraries who need it most under a program called Headstart. Some of the donated books will be donated to the Fortville and Greenfield public libraries.

The next places for donations are IPS schools and Exodus, which is a facility that welcomes refugee families from all around the world. Many of the kids in Exodus are trying to learn English, so the books will help them learn.

The class that donates the most books will receive a donut party. The drive ends on April 28.