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The student-run news site of Mt. Vernon High School

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The MV Current

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The MV Current

 Ashley Wyman (11), Katelynn Hexamer (11), and Anna Starken (11) having fun at prom.

Prom at MVHS

Madalyn Cottrell, MVCurrent Writer May 17, 2021

Mt. Vernon High School’s juniors and seniors dressed their best for the 2021 prom at Daniel’s Vineyard on April 24th. Last year’s prom was cancelled due to the outbreak of COVID-19, so students were...

Before The Thespy Awards

Mt. Vernon Thespy Awards

Madalyn Cottrell, MVCurrent Writer May 13, 2021

The Mt. Vernon Theatre 2021 Thespy Awards were held on May 4th at 7:00 P.M. The ceremony occurs annually in the spring to honor the nominated thespians and crew members, announce awards, and reveal the...

Ms. Lin’s Madarin class is close now instead of spaced out in her room.

Coming Back to School Fully

Zyaria Hatcher, MVCurrent Writer April 26, 2021

On April 5th, the halls were finally packed for the first time since March of 2020. Middle and elementary students started the year fully in person.  Going back to school during the pandemic has caused...

2020-21 Boys Varsity Basketball Team

Mt. Vernon Boys Sectional Basketball Win!

Katelynn Hexamer, MVCurrent Photographer/Writer April 14, 2021

Movie series of To All the Boys

Always and Forever Review

Madalyn Cottrell, MVCurrent Writer March 12, 2021

The final movie in the “To All the Boys” series was released on Netflix on Friday, February 12th. Like many teenage girls in America, I have been a fan of this series since the release of the first...

WandaVision description


Sophia Dewael, MVCurrent Writer March 7, 2021

At first I did not think that “WandaVision” could be a good show. For the first three episodes it seemed to drag on and make no sense because any Marvel fan would know that it was neither the correct...

Razhaun Wells, 50, at the free throw line

Varsity Boys Basketball

Katelynn Hexamer, MVCurrent Photographer February 3, 2021

The Prom

Katelynn Hexamer, MVCurrent Writer/Photographer January 9, 2021

During quarantine I needed a movie to lighten me up. That is when I decided to watch The Prom.    On December 11, Netflix released the movie The Prom, which is based on an actual Broadway musical....

Christmas Time!

Katelynn Hexamer, MVCurrent Writer/Photographer January 5, 2021

Nolan Gronowski (12), Daimon Anderson (11), and Landen Norton (12) in the guy’s dressing room apart, talking and having fun

Behind the Scenes of Singin’ in the Rain

Madalyn Cottrell, MVCurrent Writer December 4, 2020

Not all high school theatre programs have been as fortunate as MV Theatre. Many fall productions were cancelled, and some were prohibited from performing at all. But in the midst of an unforgettable pandemic,...

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