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The student-run news site of Mt. Vernon High School

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The MV Current

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The MV Current

Valentines Day Gift Ideas

Keith Ellington, MVC editor February 12, 2024

Valentine's Day is just around the corner, and amidst the love and passion in the air, there is an undercurrent of worry from many people who are unsure what they should get their partners. Well do not...


Jocelynn Calderon, MVC writer January 23, 2024

Ostara, the spring equinox, is celebrated between March 19th-22nd in South America,  North America and Europe. It is one of the eight Sabbats in the Wheel of the Year calendar. During this time, the...

How Christmas Changes as Someone Ages

Megan Jones, MVC writer December 19, 2023

Christmas is a holiday that is extremely popular. Although it is a common thought that Christmas loses its appeal as one gets older, I decided to  talk to people of different ages about what Christmas...

A perfect simple treat that can be eaten any time

3 Sweet Treats for the Holidays

Amilia Daniels, MVC writer/photographer December 18, 2023

So many sweet treats contribute to the holiday season, whether it is reindeer chow to snack on while waiting for Santa, or Christmas crack for a fun and crunchy sweet treat, or jelly donuts for family...

History of Holiday Traditions

Wyatt Hodge, MVC writer January 13, 2023

There are many ways to celebrate during the holidays. Some families celebrate in their own unique way creating new traditions, but there are also a lot of traditions that many families share. Some people...

Faux Christmas trees, surrounded by Christmas lights for sale.

Should Christmas Season Start in November

Susanna Gates, MVC writer and photographer December 12, 2022

As the Halloween season quickly fades from view with the October leaves, another season takes its place. Stores quickly stock up on Christmas trees, candies, and decorations. It is like a Christmas explosion....

Holiday Traditions Around the World

Callie Osburn, MVC Writer November 28, 2022

Merry Christmas, Feliz Navidad, or maybe even God Jul. As it's getting colder, most people in the world celebrate some sort of winter holiday. With holidays come traditions of all sorts.   For some...

Valentine’s Day Traditions

Delainey Root, MVC Writer February 10, 2022

Valentine’s Day is a day filled with candy, flowers, couples, and cards. All over the world, people celebrate the people they care for in different ways.  In Japan, women present gifts to men. They...

My Favorite Holiday

My Favorite Holiday

Madi Gibson, MVC Writer November 9, 2021

All throughout history, people have claimed certain dates in the year as national holidays. Whether it is meant to be celebrated with friends, family, or that special person, we all gather together to...

Hershey’s Kiss peanut butter cookies

Abigail Cook, MVC Sports Editor December 20, 2018

Baking Hershey's Kisses peanut butter cookies are fun and easy and it is a way to get into the holiday spirit. First, get the ingredients all together. You will need 1 cup of sugar, 1 cup of peanut...

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