The Willard Intercontinental is exquisite and an amazing place to visit, full of history as well. It displays the past and beauty, from the lobby to the rooms for gatherings.
The hotel was first built in 1816, making it over two centuries old. The name comes from Henry and Edwin Willard who bought it from the original owner, Joshua Tennyson, in the 1850’s. Throughout the centuries, the hotel has been through many redesigns, in both name and interior.
When first walking through the spinning door, there is gold paint that covers the walls, pillars, and numerous bouquet line tables around the lobby. The ceiling will draw attention to it rather quickly. Each tile is divided up into fourths, with every fourth having a seal from a different state. The lobby leads into even more hallways and rooms, all of which are filled with history.
Many famous people have stayed at the Willard. Several presidents have either visited or stayed in the hotel. The first president to visit was Abraham Lincoln, who roomed there to stay hidden from the press. A president who stopped by many times was Ulysses S Grant, who could be found smoking his infamous cigars in the hotel’s lobby. This hotel is also where Martin Luther King Jr’s famous “I Have a Dream” and Julia Ward Howe’s “The Battle Hymn of the Republic” were written.
I enjoyed going to it due to its clean and beautiful environment. As well as being lovely to the eye, it was also calming and peaceful. The staff there were friendly and great at their jobs, and always ready to help if I needed something. The Willard Intercontinental is truly a historical gem that cannot go unmissed. .