A new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TMNT) movie, named “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem” was released on August 2nd of this year. It is the first piece of TMNT media to be out in theaters since 2016. The movie has a 7.5/10 IMDb rating and a 97% Rotten Tomatoes score. I believe those are both fair ratings.
Personally, I loved the movie. As a TMNT fan, I think it was a good addition to the franchise and kept the charm of the other movies.
In the film, the Turtles dream of fitting in with humans. They want to go to high school and live normal lives. Being trapped in a sewer does not help. However, at the end of the story, they save New York City from the main villain. The mutants become heroes and the people of NYC welcome them to their world. Although it is a kid’s movie, this sort of story is still pretty cliche. However, it does make the ending feel good and light-hearted.
I would also argue that the ending is a bit rushed. The protagonists fix the conflict quickly. I believe slower endings help to make a story more intense and interesting. The main characters also come up with a solution to conquer the problem easily. They could have solved their issue if they had used their final solution earlier.
The film also has a unique animation style similar to movies like “Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse.” It is perfect for someone who enjoys animation and art. The style is very colorful and exaggerated. Every character looks different and each one has a different appearance. It is not boring or plain.
Overall, I think this movie is great for anyone who previously liked the TMNT franchise or anyone who wants to get into it for the first time. It displays each of the characters’ personalities and likenesses well. If someone is looking for a new, fun movie to watch, this could be for them.