“Pokemon Infinite Fusion” is a fanmade game of “Pokemon Fire Red,” but with a twist. Players can fuse any two Pokemon together. This can lead to some crazy results, both with the art, and with stats. For those who do not know how the traditional Pokemon game works, the player must collect eight special badges from eight gym leaders, and then defeat the elite four and champion. In order to do this, players must catch a team of Pokemon: magical creatures that like battling. So what sets “Pokemon Infinite Fusion” apart from the rest?
Well, first off, it expands the list of Pokemon that players can encounter. It adds popular Pokemon like Arceus, Regigigas and Zoroark. Not only that but, as the name implies, players can also fuse these Pokemon together, further expanding the list of possible Pokemon to a whopping 170,000+ combinations. Of course, not all of these fusions are exactly good for battle, but some are absolutely amazing.
These fusions make for interesting new gym leader teams that can counter normal strategies. For example, a player might decide to use an Alakazam against the first elite four member, Bruno. A good choice, since psychic types are strong against Bruno’s fighting types. However, Bruno sends out a Steelix/Machamp fusion, with a fighting steel type. Now, not only does it resist psychic type, but it also has the move crunch, which is strong against the player’s Alakazam. Encounters like these really spice up battles in unpredictable ways.
Honestly, in “Pokemon Fire Red,” the gym leader teams leave a fair bit to be desired, usually using one-note Pokemon, or having a strong Pokemon available to catch right outside of the gym. But gym leaders having access to new fusions can help add challenge to battles that were relatively simple before.
Of course, with all of these fusions, they must have custom artwork, right? Well, yes, they do, and a very large team of people are constantly making new art for these fusions. Every month, new sprites get sent out and the game gets updated with them. In addition, if players choose to, they can upload their own sprites into the game.
“Pokemon Infinite Fusion” is a fan game that rewards creativity, and is very fun to play. With -no joke- quintillions of possible team combinations, there is nearly no end to the possibilities. A standard playthrough will run about 5-20 hours, so why not give it a try? It is free, easy to download and fun and easy to play.