On Monday, July 18, Melania Trump gave a speech about her husband Donald Trump at the Republican National Convention. Her speech was decent up until the part where she started plagiarizing Michelle Obama’s speech from the Democratic National Convention in 2008.
Trump allowed her staff to copy some sentences from Obama’s speech word for word.
What in the world possessed her to allow plagiarism? Did anyone not realize she would definitely be found out, especially in a world where everything is recorded, fact-checked and put on the internet?
It was such an unintelligent move. The ignorance continued after the speech when she denied the allegations of plagiarism. She was supposed to inspire people with her speech, but she ended up enraging them.
I do understand that she did not write the speech herself, but are the people she and her husband hire not intelligent enough to write an original speech? Could she have not run it through some sort of plagiarism software?
I do believe that she has the intelligence one needs to write a speech. Next time she needs to give a speech, she should use it. I beg of everyone, do not plagiarize. It sets a bad example to future generations.