STOP! Before reading this, beware, there are spoilers for Hypno’s Lullaby v2 in this article. For those who are not aware, Friday Night Funkin is a rhythm game. This is a list of my favorite songs in the Hypno’s Lullaby v2 mod, for Friday Night Funkin. With the new release of this mod, the songs have been updated, and are sounding better than ever.
First on this list is “Monochrome V2.” The original version is from the demo, and is quite good. However, this one is much better. With changed patterns, and a whole second phase, this song is great. It uses an 8-bit retro-style with instruments and voices, which is a refreshing pick out of modern music. In-game, this song has a gimmick where the player must read words that are made out of the Pokémon Unown and type back what it says.
Coming in second is “Shinto,” a calm, feel-good song. It is upbeat and the vocals are cheery. In this song, the player, Grey, sings with a Hypno. The second phase comes after a short cutscene, and it brings insight to the true dark nature of Hypno. It starts out ominous and quiet, but quickly shifts to metal music. Overall, the first phase is great for studying, and the second phase is a jam.
Another great song from this mod is “Pasta Night.” This song combines three mods together to make the ultimate mashup song. Three different singers are used here, and each one is a different difficulty, with their own gimmicks. It has a swinging song playing, and it is really easy to get into. Each character has motifs from their original songs as well, so it is fun to listen out for them in the song.
The wait for this mod release was a long one, but the result was well worth it. Not a single song is bad, and every song in the original release has been redone. Even the song for the shop menu is great. Downloading this mod is free, so go do it.