This summer was a filled to the brim with events, good and bad.
“The summer was a 7 on the scale of bad,” said Samantha Hanson, 12.
This summer, the long-awaited Olympics have come and gone. At the end of the Olympics, the American swim team has won 33 medals overall, 16 being gold. Gymnastics, shooting, and cycling teams and individuals also have received gold medals.
Also, the Black Lives Matter campaign gained lots of momentum. The campaign started with the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson in 2014, but spread nationwide this summer with the shooting of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile. The death of Philando Castile occurred only a week after Alton Sterling’s. There was controversy over whether both of the men deserved to be shot and killed. Alton Sterling was shot while selling CDs outside of a convenience store, and Philando Castile was shot after being pulled over for tail light violations.
In relation, there was a shooting in Dallas, Texas, where a five police were killed by snipers at a Black Lives Matter Protest. The snipers were not involved in the protest.
In addition, there were many terrorist attacks that occurred around the world during the summer. In France, there was the attack on Nice, where the terrorist ran over and killed 77 people.
Some of the terrorist attacks took place in America, such as the Orlando shooting, where 50 men and women were gunned down at a nightclub. During the shooting, the shooter, Omar Mateen, pledged his allegiance to ISIS, making the shooting the deadliest terrorist attack since the attack on the Twin Towers.
“I was honestly confused about everything that was happening,” said Claire McClimon, 10. “Summer was suppose to be a great time to get away from the stress of school, and now I can’t because someone killed people because they were gay. A club is a place to let loose, and people are suppose to be who they are without being judged, and they got killed for it. It didn’t just confuse me, but frustrate me also.”
Additionally, there was the shooting of the famous youtuber Christina Grimmie. She had just performed at a concert when she was shot at point-blank range She died later of gunshot wounds. Fans mourned her loss.
Politics wise, Indiana’s Mike Pence was chosen by Donald Trump to be his vice president, which took many native Hoosiers and most of the US by surprise, because Donald Trump had stated that he was going to choose someone else right before he announced it.
In the summer of 2016, many terrible actions took place, in the US and all throughout the world. The actions taken had dire consequences, such as the loss of lives and the fear that has been placed in the hearts of citizens around the world.