Seasonal Food
November 11, 2022
Autumn is a very popular season with seasonal foods of all sorts. From Halloween to Thanksgiving, there is themed food everywhere: pumpkin pie, caramel apples, themed twinkies, pumpkin spice lattes, spooky shaped cookies, and candy corn, just to name a few. Meanwhile, companies are adding pumpkin to every possible food item, and people are nuts for it. I am certainly o

ne of the people pumped for these special food editions.
General Mills came out with their seasonal Count Chocula, Boo-Berry, and Franken Berry crunchy cereals. They bring a fun and spooky feel to kids’ breakfasts during the Halloween season. My personal favorite of these three kinds of cereal is Count Chocula. I am not a huge fan of berry cereals but the Boo-Berry and Franken Berry were not bad.
Another food item commonly personalized for the Autumn season is cake. From the Meijer bakery to the Twinkies factory, seasonal cakes are made for all sorts of holiday festivities. I like anything pumpkin flavored so I am usually a fan of autumn cakes. I do not like Twinkies though, so I would not recommend the spooky Twinkies as they are too sweet for me.
While hiding these special editions and flavors during all the other seasons adds an exciting rush for everyone to run out and buy seasonal food, it may work a little too well, as every time I see jumbo bags of candy corn I want to buy as many bags as they have in stock. I love the candy corn pumpkins and chocolate candy corn.
Everyone else who loves these time sensitive foods better stock up and get them now before they disappear for another whole calendar year.