Tips and Tricks for Back to School
August 12, 2022
There are many things to do that can prepare students for this school year. This year can be whatever you want it to be; start off strong and it will be easier from here on out.

The number one tip is to use a planner to keep all school assignments organized. Writing assignments and due dates down will make it easier not to lose track of them. As a bonus, work will be able to get turned in on time.

Secondly, getting a lot of sleep is important in order to be prepared for school. Teens typically stay up late, but getting enough sleep is very important for their developing brains. Students should get eight to ten hours of sleep per night.
Another tip is to not procrastinate on schoolwork. If assignments are left to the last minute students might forget something or time might run out and they will not get the grade that was hoped for.

Students can also create a system for classes, to help make it easier to keep track of papers and other supplies. Have binders or folders for each class and keep everything in its own place. This will ensure that assignments are where they are needed to be when students are looking for them.

Setting a routine is also very helpful. Students should section out their days for specific tasks such as schoolwork, chores, etc. something as simple as putting post-it notes to remind students of what they should be doing at a specific time can help them set a routine. Another way to do this is to set reminders on their phones at certain times to do what they set that time aside for. This will help to figure out what has to be done and when. It will help with time management skills that will come in handy for college and beyond.
Another tip: use class time wisely to decrease homework. If assignments get done at school then there will be more time to hang out with friends and have fun.
Try to meet new people every year. There is no guarantee that there will be friends in your classes. Meeting new people makes it easier when it comes to homework questions or group projects.
Going back to school can be tough, but by using these tips it should be just a little bit easier. This school year should be more relaxed and easy if you use these tips and tricks.