August Horoscopes
August 10, 2022
August is the month of the Leo (July 23rd-August 22nd) and the Virgo (August 23- September 22). Despite both of these signs being in August they could not be more different. August is a month free from major retrogrades giving it overall peaceful energy.
In August, a majority of energy is put into the fire and air zodiac signs. August is a month full of self-love and equally full of big egos. In August, one should take the time to check who their true friends are and remove any unwanted and unsupportive people from their life. On August 18th, Venus shares a connection with Jupiter; therefore, the positive people and situations in life will be highlighted.
A big shift will occur on August 22nd when the sun shifts to Virgo. The time of the Virgo is one of the best times to work on achieving goals and self-improvement. On August 25th, Mercury enters Libra, giving a lovely window to balance energy. This day is all for finding the happy medium between responsibilities and enjoying oneself. This is also a prime time for romance as mental balance brings on feelings of love and beauty to the world around.
Lastly, on August 27th, there is the Virgo New Moon. This is the perfect time to set new goals. It is a great time to improve focus and work on energy levels, and it is also the ideal time to tidy up anything that needs to be cleaned. It is an amazing opportunity for new beginnings; however, instead of impulsively jumping into things, the goal is to think of what to do after an action is completed.
August is overall a positive month. It is full of love, beauty, and excitement. With its hot days ending the summer season, it is the ideal time to have fun in the sun and enjoy yourself. Make new friends, try new things, and take care of yourself this month.