Why are Legos therapeutic?
Harry Potter House with Original Characters
May 9, 2022
How many people know that Legos are therapeutic? They very much are for the following reasons: they keep the mind from overthinking, allow people to fidget and keep hands busy at work, they allow people to build and have fun, and people can see that they have accomplished something.
If kids or adults have ADHD, legos help keep your hands busy when they want to fidget with something. If you have anxiety and need to fidget with something that’s great for it too. Lots of people with ADHD play with Legos to make their hands busy with something instead of picking at their skin or something else.

How does it keep minds at work as a distraction? Legos need instructions in order to build something unless they want to be free to build it. The instructions keep the mind-reading and put people in the mind to accomplish something. Legos come in so many different structures that will keep the mind busy for a while. Depending on how large and complicated and how many pieces the structure has the longer or shorter the build will take. One $50 set normally takes 1-2 hours to complete.
Legos help relax the mind and allow the mind to concentrate on one thing at a time. Of course, people stop at any given moment of time when they are building to work on a different structure or take a break or work on it later. They don’t need to work on them all the time and they don’t have that much of a mess that it makes. Legos are very time consuming, but that can come in handy.