Battlefront ll is an online and offline Player versus Player, Hero versus Player, Villain versus Player, and Hero versus Villain game which is based on the popular movies franchise Star Wars.
When a player gets into the game, the player is greeted with a user-friendly home screen. By using the right and left bumpers, a player can navigate through many different screens, each with a different purpose.
On the home screen, players find a background showing off different characters in the game. There is also a button to access crates which gives loot, weapons, skins, and mods, which I find makes the game more immersive and gives players a sense of achievement. Also included on the home screen are timed missions which the player can do to earn credits to unlock characters and weapons. Finally there is the quick match button which lets players join a random game that is going on.
When a player clicks the right toggle once, it takes them to the play screen. This screen lets them play any game. Game options include, multiplayer, which is online and has the modes supremacy, heroes and villains, galactic assault, starfighter assault, strike/extraction, blast, and Ewok hunt. Players can aso co-op which is online, but only 4 players fight against massive waves of enemies, in the different modes Galactic Republic, Separatist Alliance, Rebel Alliance, Galactic Empire, the Resistance, and the First/Final Order. Co-op has been my favorite ever since they released it, and has always been enjoyable and hard, which makes it even more fun for me. Lastly the player can play single-player mode which lets the player play the campaign for Iden Version instant action and arcade.
Two right clicks can take the player to the collection page which lets them update their characters, heroes, vehicles, and starships. They upgrade these items with a set of star cards, which lets a player change their statistics. They can also upgrade their abilities which lets them change their 3 secondary weapons, guns and mods, which players earn as they play the game.
Next with 3 right clicks the player can be taken to the career page where the player can see their achievements. Competing achievements gives them credits, crystals, weapons, skins, emotes, and mods as rewards for persevering players.
Finally, after four right clicks, the player is taken to the options page which lets the player change settings like the controls, video, gameplay, audio, their account and the credits list.
In the game, there are many different types of playable characters. There are the basic four troopers: assault, heavy, officer, and specialist. My favorite is assault since it is the easiest to play. There are also the reinforcements, which are more powerful. Those are the enforcer, aerial, and infiltrator. Any new player trying out those will find that the enforcer is the easiest to play as due to its large amount of health and heavy damage output.
The game also has vehicles such as armor, speeder, and artillery. For people craving the fun of flight, there are starships such as the fighter, interceptor, bomber, and hero ships that are piloted by iconic Star Wars characters.
Lastly, there are heroes who are the most powerful and are special in their own way. It takes tons of effort to defeat them.
In Battlefront II, there are many games that the player can play. There is supremacy which is a 20 v 20 game, in which the player’s goal is to capture command posts and board the enemy ship and blow it up. There is also Galactic Assault, in which the player can use starfighters, vehicles, heroes, and troops to defeat enemies and achieve goals. Heroes and villains, which the players can do 2v2 1v1 4v4 and starfighter battles trying to kill the other team. Next there is Starfighter Assault, in which the player flies around achieving goals to help win a battle. There is also Strike and Extraction in which the player can go against another team of 8 trying to get or retrieve an item, fix an item, defend an item or kill the other team. There is also blast a 4v4 in which 8 players are put in close quarter gun combat. Finally there is Ewok hunt where stormtroopers are trying to survive a night on Endor and not be killed by the Ewoks.
I believe in total, Battlefront II is a great game, but there are many problems. First EA got rid of the ability to buy or purchase gems and so credits and gems are useless. Also, EA abandoned Battlefront and their 10 year unlicensed Star Wars contract, to work on worse games, and will not be touching it ever again. Sadly, there are very unbalanced characters and maps, which makes the games nearly impossible to win for one team, but very simple for the other team.
I would give this game a 4.5 out of 5 stars. The game is incluse and better than the original Battlefront, and Battlefront 2015, but some weapons are unfair, and modes that are hard to win. This game would be most fun for teens and star wars loving adults. But I think that anyone could enjoy it if they immersed themselves into it.