A Visit to New Orleans

Makayla Faulk

The Jackson Square Castle.

Makayla Faulk, MVC Writer/Photographer

There are many places to explore when visiting New Orleans. It is one of the most vibrant cities in the United States with its diversity of people, lifestyles, and architecture. There are many different districts to explore, but the French Quarter is the most well-known. From the old houses painted bright and pastel colors, to the gothic architecture, the city is absolutely stunning.

One of the most popular things to do is to visit old castles such as the Jackson Square one. It is a beautiful gothic-style castle that is a focal point of the area. The castle holds a very important place in the city’s history as it was the place that Louisiana was brought under the United States government.

The Mississippi River Bank. (Makayla Faulk)

One thing that New Orleans is known for is their Cajun food and sweet beignets. Many places make foods like these, but few can make them in a truly authentic manner. One of the best places to get beignets is at Cafe Du Monde. They have an open, pavilion-type seating area where you can watch all of the busy activity of the street.

Tourists can also walk around the French Market and wander into the multitude of adorable stores filled with nicknacks. All of the buildings are beautiful and there are many diverse styles to see in the city. 

One very cool place to visit is the World War 2 museum in the Central Business District. It is filled with amazing planes, uniforms, and other war relics. Upon arrival, guests receive a dog tag of actual soldiers that fought in the war. The guests can then follow their soldiers through the war and see where they end up and what happens to them. It is a very interesting museum and a once-in-a-lifetime experience. 

New Orleans is full of vibrant activities for families or groups looking for somewhere different and interesting to visit.