Watami Sushi Review

Graci Watson, MVC Writer

Watami Sushi is an all-you-can-eat sushi restaurant. It is located on Pendleton Pike at 10625 Pendleton Pike. It is a cute little restaurant that is relatively new. They do DoorDash as well as Dine in. My friends and I recently discovered this restaurant when Drew told me about it.

Last week we went to Watami for the first time. I had never had sushi before, so I was a little nervous. When we sat down, Drew told me that if I eat rice that I should not drink too much water since rice expands. Drew had been to Watami before so he ordered me some steamed and fried dumplings. I had never had dumplings before, so I was excited for them. Drew also ordered some Spider rolls, Hawaiian rolls, and California rolls for us to try. 

When the food arrived I went straight for the dumplings. They came with a sauce which I assumed was soy sauce, but I was not sure. When I tried them they were really hot, but super good. Since it was all-you-can-eat, I ordered two more orders for us all to share. 

Next I tried the sushi. I tried all of the ones that Drew ordered and did not like most of them. The texture of the Spider rolls and California rolls were too weird for me. However, I did like the Hawaiian rolls. They had imitation crab, avocado, and pineapple in them, which sounds like a weird combination, but it was actually really good. 

I would rate Watami Sushi a 9/10. It was really good and they have fast service. Since my first time there, I have been back twice. I would recommend that everyone tries it. The only down side is that it is kind of expensive. It is $25 a person during dinner but at lunch it is $15 a person.