The St. Louis City Museum

Makayla Faulk

Multiple stripped planes to climb in and out of in the outdoor climbing structure.

Makayla Faulk, MVC Writer/Photographer

The City Museum in St. Louis, Missouri is a giant jungle gym for people of all ages. It is fun for the whole family with a range of different activities for everyone. 

On one side of the building, there is a multi-story outdoor playground made of rebar. Guests may climb anywhere they can which includes the interior and exterior of two old war planes suspended in the air, multiple castle-era climbing towers with outlooks on the top, a suspension bridge, a rebar tunnel suspended four feet above the ground, and many other climbing attractions.

An artistic 2-story slide at the entrance of the St. Louis City Museum. (Makayla Faulk)

On the roof, there is a range of attractions from a school bus suspended from the edge of the building that you can walk out onto, a giant praying mantis statue, and the Big Ellis Ferris Wheel that guests are available to ride when the weather is nice enough. There are tons of amazing things to see and the city skyline is absolutely breathtaking.

Another great feature at the museum is the indoor cave system. It is a series of tunnels that lead all over the museum and the rule is, “If you can fit through it, explore it.” Kids and adults alike can enjoy all of the fun cracks and crevices to slip through and explore. 

When in St. Louis, this is a must-see attraction. It is fun for all ages and skill levels. It is located in the middle of the city with a variety of great places to stay overnight or go out to eat such as The Medina Grill, Samwiches, and Imos Pizza. St. Louis is a great place to take families and children.

An indoor play structure with many areas to climb around in. (Makayla Faulk)