FCCLA Makes Holiday Stockings
December 14, 2021
On November 20th, 2021 District 8 held its Annual Fall Family Career Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) meeting with Greenfield-Central. FCCLA stands for Family, Career, Community Leaders of America.
The club’s goal is to make an impact in their community through community service projects like Stockings for the Troops.
Together, both FCCLA chapters worked on a service project called Stockings for the Troops which has been in the works since 2016. The club worked effortlessly from 9 am-4 pm on the stockings. Members did anything from serging and hemming the tops of the stockings to sewing and measuring side seams.
Everyone came in ready to help, even if they did not know how to sew. Between the Fashion and Textile class, MV FCCLA, and GC FCCLA, the Sewing Guild picked up 250 stockings on Monday, November 22, and many members left knowing how to do something new and cool.
Jazmin Henderson (grade 10) is one of FCCLA’s most important members, she stated, “These stockings mean a lot to these soldiers that don’t get the chance to go home to a family. Or, even, be home for the holiday season. Also, these stockings can allow soldiers to feel like someone cares and would love to know they got something for Christmas.”
Mrs. Bauchert, who runs the MV chapter of FCCLA, was enthusiastic about the service project. She said, “The. Stockings for the Troops has been a District 8 service project for 6 years, FCCLA members learn leadership skills, sewing, and math skills as well as giving back to the community for our Indiana military, the stockings are stuffed with personal items troops need while deployed.
FCCLA members enjoy the project and know they are contributing to a worthwhile cause.”
FCCLA hosts meeting every Monday and Wednesday in room D116. Feel free to stop by a meeting to see if maybe it peaks your interest, or just come and see what the club is all about.