What is 9/11? 9/11 is an American holiday that is meant to pay respects for the lost American lives during the attack on the World Trade Center, Pentagon, and the field in Somerset County Pennsylvania. During the fateful hours of the attacks, men and women, charged in hoping to save as many lives as they could. They did that knowing the risks of being trapped, and possibly dying. They did it anyway, saving many lives.
The attacks that killed 2996 American lives were caused by a group of terrorists
called Al-Qaeda. The reason for those attacks was to strike fear in Americans and to take away American freedoms. But when Americans saw those burning buildings, Americans did the one thing the terrorists thought to be impossible. Many people supported each other and provided help to those who had lost loved ones.
Americans helped one another, for they were Americans. That day Americans saw what they did, but instead of breaking down, they got back up and showed not only courage, but unity. Many Americans know the name of someone who died helping others in the attacks. The bravery and dedications shown on that day is something that will go down in history
To other people it is just another day. It doesn’t matter the slightest. Everyone who had a family member sacrifice themselves for someone else to live another day knows that 9/11 is not just another day. It is a day that Americans showed the world that they were not weak and pathetic, but they were brave and unified. All those born in that time knew the real meaning of America: freedom.