Mt. Vernon Middle School was the first school in the district to reach the red level on Mt. Vernon Community School Corporation’s Covid-19 Building Zones. On Friday, August 20th they had 25% of their students in quarantine, which meant that according to the guidelines, they needed to go virtual. Mt. Vernon Middle School was fully virtual from Monday, August 23rd to Tuesday, September 7th.
The Middle School had 22 positive Covid cases the day that they released the information about switching to online learning. MVMS had signs as reminders to students to thoroughly wash hands and masks were required for a short period of time before the decision to switch to virtual learning was made. Despite the help of masks, going 100% online learning was the best way to reduce Covid cases and exposures.
Mt. Vernon School Corporation has a color-coded Covid tier system to show the percentage rate of ill students and the number of covid cases for Mt. Comfort Elementary, McCordsville Elementary, Fortville Elementary, Mt. Vernon Middle School, and Mt. Vernon High School.
“We believe in-person learning is best for students. We are hoping we can stay in person the rest of the year,” said Mrs. Tharp, the middle school principal.
Mt. Vernon Middle School returned to in-person learning on Tuesday, September 7. The Middle School will continue to mandate wearing masks to protect their students.
“Students and staff will be wearing masks when we return. Additionally, we are looking at increased cleaning and sanitizing, adjusting seating charts, maximizing social distancing in classrooms, and more,” said Mrs. Tharp.
Mt Vernon High School also switched to fully online learning from Monday, August 30 to Tuesday, September 7 due to 35 confirmed Covid cases. Virtual school days only consisted of five school days, but an overall total of 10 days not in person at the high school. When the high schoolers return to in-person classes, masks covering both mouths and noses will still be required.