Already Accepted into a college?
Being accepted, finally a Marion Knight
August 31, 2020
During the month of May, during quarantine, and the COVID-19 situation, I got a text saying applications for Marian University in Indianapolis were open. They were waving the SAT requirement, so I thought I should apply for my top college right then and see what happened.
It only took me around forty minutes to apply since they did not require any essays or recommendation letters from teachers. After filling out the application, it was time to just wait to receive my admission results.
In June, I got a call from my admission counselor saying he received my application, but I needed to contact Mt. Vernon to send in my transcripts. After he received my transcripts he would be able to review my application, and I would receive the news about my acceptance in mid-July.
Many days went by and I was patiently waiting for the big news. I passed the time by sitting through Zoom calls with the virtual camp I attended at Marian, Missionary Disciples Institute. From this camp, I helped one of my friends I met with his website, and helped lead a nightly prayer with youth my age. I also babysat, attended Best Buddies Leadership Conference online, and enjoyed the sun.
When it came to the month of July, the anticipation was in the air. Then all of the sudden in mid-July, on a day I was not feeling the greatest, I got a phone call from my admission counselor. I was nervous to pick up the phone and answer it, but I did it anyway.
The chills came when I answered the phone. I nervously said “Hello.”
My admission’s counselor was telling me how he got my application for Marian and my transcript. Then he finally said, “Welcome to the Marian Knight family.” He told me I would get information over the next few weeks. I was so ecstatic that I told my whole family.
If you are a senior, apply now for college. I think you should start applying now because some colleges are waving SAT’s, and you also will not be stressed out about it. It will just be something off of your plate, which will allow you to just enjoy your senior year.