On May 5, the MV Theatre department held their Thespian Awards, but it was in a different way then usual. Due to the pandemic, it was held via zoom.
Before the awards began, Ms. Davis shared her Zoom screen which had memories, tips, and pictures of the 2019-2020 theatre season, as well as advice for the thespians.Many thespians and tech members were nominated for a variety of awards.
Although there may have been some disappointment over not winning an award, everyone cheered for those who did win. There are also special recognition awards, for the congeniality award for Shrek and Aida, and the thespian of the year. Ms Davis even recognized current thespian society participants who earn higher rankings and those who are being inducted in the society.
“We had our Thespy Awards on Zoom with over 60 participants. It was a much larger turn-out than I had anticipated, and just shows how close theatre folk are and how much we miss each other,“ stated Ms. Davis.
Charles Livingood agreed with Ms. Davis.
“Wow, I wish this was in person. It would have made the experience better for everyone,” Livingood, 12, said.
During the awards ceremony, Ms. Davis told everyone on there the shows for next year. The fall show will be “Singing in the Rain,” and the spring show will be “Anastasia.” Both are musicals.
Ms. Davis is ecstatic for next year’s shows.
“I didn’t think it was possible, but I think our students may be even more excited than I am about next year’s shows,” she said. “The feedback I’ve been receiving has been nothing short of ecstatic enthusiasm.”
Davis’ enthusiasm is shared by students.
“I’m so excited for ‘Singing in The Rain.’ I love the movie and I have seen a few stage productions of the musical, so it’s exciting to know that we’ll be able to perform it ourselves,” stated Natalie Marchal, 9.
Shiloh McFarland, 11, is just as excited as Natalie for the Spring musical.
“I am so excited that we will be able to do the show Anastasia. It is a beautiful show with beautiful music. I’m shocked that we are able to do it already, and I cannot wait!”
Best Ensemble Member Award
Emma Bechman – Aida
Ben Dostalek – Aida
Charles Livengood – Shrek
Kyran Maxfield – Shrek
Shiloh McFarland – Shrek
Emma Moore – Shrek
Jenna Nicodemus – Aida
Landen Norton – Aida
Winner:Kyran Maxfield- Shrek
Shrek – People’s Choice Award
Kaylee Johnson-Bradley
Gabe Thomas
Grace Wechsler
Winner:Kaylee Johnson-Bradley
Best Actress in a Featured Role
Madalyn Cottrell – Shrek
Kaylee Johnson-Bradley – Shrek
Shiloh McFarland – Aida
Winner:Kaylee Johnson-Bradley- Shrek
Best Actor in a Featured Role
Daimon Anderson – Aida
Liam Bass – Shrek
Charles Livengood – Aida
Winner:Liam Bass- Shrek
Best Actress in a Lead Role
Kaylee Johnson-Bradley – Aida
Natalie Marchal – Shrek
Mallory McKeeman – Aida
Winner:Natalie Marchal- Shrek
Best Actor in a Lead Role
Daimon Anderson – Shrek
Ben Dostalek – Shrek
Kyran Maxfield – Aida
Gabe Thomas – Shrek
Winner: Daimon Anderson- Shrek
Tech Crew “Rookie” Award
Winner: Issac Borgman
Tech Crew “Skill Enhancement” Award
Winner: Maddie Black
Tech Crew “Extra Mile” Award
Winner: Spencer Mounts
Tech Crew Dedication Award
Winner: Alex Tinnel
Tech Crew Leadership Award
Winner: Sophie Frank
Tech Crew MVP for 2019-2020
Winner: Sydney Nicholes
Theatre Technician of the Year
Winner: Nathan Murphy-Lighting, Isabella Garza-Stage Management, Jack Kent-Construction
Shrek – Congeniality Award
Winner: Tony Fleming and Shiloh McFarland
Aida – Congeniality Award
Winner: Kaylee Johnson-Bradley
Thespian of the Year
Winner: Charles Livingood
Current ITS Members Receiving Higher Rankings- Liam Bass, Madalyn Cottrell, Mallory McKeeman, Kaylee Johnson Bradley
International Thespian Society Inductees- Emma Bechman, Natalie Marshal, Shiloh McFarland, Charles Livingood