How Choir Seniors are Handling the Year Cancelled
How Choir Seniors are Spending Their Time
May 13, 2020
The cancellation of the rest of the school year has been a lot to take in for the music department. Events such as ISSMA, a cappella showcase, Spring Sing, and a few smaller events have all been cancelled. Although there is nothing that can be done, it still was such a sudden shock. With a loss like that, it’s good to find activities for seniors to take their mind off of it.
“I’ve been hanging out outside when the weather is nice and spending a lot of time with my dogs,” said Abby Tucker 12. “I’ve also been doing a lot of baking which I have also found is a great stress reliever.”
Many of the seniors were looking forward to the yearly Spring Sing concert as well as other events outside of Spring Sing such as prom, graduation and senior prank.
“I was looking forward to the ISSMA competitions,” said Anya Davis 12. “Although I wasn’t a fan of some of the events we did, it’s still upsetting now that they’re gone.”
The class of 2020 is unfortunately getting mixed up into a lot of what is happening in the world due to the virus. It is still important to understand that although this is disappointing, it is what is best to stop the virus.
“I was looking forward to many activities such as prom and spring sing,” said Cayla Flowers, 12. “It’s a shame that we never get to experience those things, but I understand it’s what’s best to stop the virus.”
All there is to do is reflect on the good times and look forward to the future as college is right around the corner.