Online Classes
Bring Change to mind Zoom call
May 6, 2020
As Covid-19 continues to spread around the world, most schools across the nation are switching to online classes, also known as Elearning. This move to online education is an attempt to slow the spread of the disease by allowing students and faculty to avoid gathering in one small space.
Whenever we used to get Elearning days, mainly from snow days or the practice one, it was very exciting and it meant I was able to sleep in. I feel like there are many pros but also cons to this situation.
Some of the pros include being able to do homework in bed. It is super nice to be able to kickback, relax and do some geometry homework. There is also a lot more flexibility with when you have to turn things in and how long you have to do them.
The cons, however, are some low-income families may not have the internet and it makes it difficult to complete assignments. Children with special needs can have trouble learning online because they work easier with one on one help. It also means teachers have to completely change their lesson plans to provide work that students can mostly do on their own.
Elearning also opens doors to cheating. Within 10 seconds, a person can just copy and paste the question into a tab and immediately have the answer. It may make things easier, but it makes things more difficult in the long run from not actually learning the material.
I think the online school is actually more difficult than actual school. It’s harder to understand without a teacher in front of you to explain it and then the tests seem more difficult as well.