Bring Change to mind Zoom call
April 30, 2020
As of March 12th, MVCSC buildings have been shut down due to the COVID-19 outbreak, and social distancing has prevented many people from communicating with their friends and family. Many schools across the nation have shut down physical classrooms for the remainder of the school year. This has resulted in many using Zoom, and online video meeting service, as a common platform of communication.
Zoom is a video meeting app accessible on almost any device, and it allows users to see several different screens at once. This makes it easier for many high school teachers and college professors to communicate with their students because they are able to see several different faces and hear the voices of all of their students at one.
Screen sharing is also a feature used on this app, and teachers can use this to share their screen with students during lessons and notes as they would in a classroom setting.
Zoom is also being used around the community as a temporary solution for several groups around the city due to the COVID-19 outbreak. The IPC, the Indiana Playwrights Circle, has been doing all of their cold reads online. Many Broadway stars such as Jessica Vosk and Laura Osnes are also turning to Zoom to host online classes, the online platform for students nationwide.
“Taking online classes is fun,” said Natalie Marchal, 9. “I love that I am still able to learn from home.”
The app has also been a common form of communication for families and friends. Social distancing has put a strain on relationships as most in quarantine haven’t seen their loved ones in weeks. Talking through a screen seems to be the new norm, but Zoom has proven to be a platform that has brought everyone a little closer together.