Flu Season Approaching
Visit the health room if you’re starting to feel sick
February 24, 2020
It is finally that time of the year where a large number of the flu cases start popping up. The United States might be headed towards the worst flu in recent history. Already more than 19 million cases of the flu have been reported in the United States.
Flu activity was low in late December, but now has drastically picked up within the first few weeks of the new year. Out of the 19 million cases reported, 68 children have already died from the virus. The symptoms typically included are: a fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, and headaches. The flu can be a serious disease, even for healthy people.Those at the highest risk include young children and the elderly.
The CDC said, “If you do become ill, try to stay home for 24 hours after your last fever has resolved, without medications that could mask a fever.”
They continued, “Also, cough or sneeze into a tissue or a sleeve, and try not to touch your face with unwashed hands.”
Forty-five percent of people also are not getting the flu shots which causes more cases of the flu. The vaccine does not always help entirely, but it can help with the symptoms.