92nd FFA National Convention
Reynolds Farm Equipment
December 11, 2019
The 2019 FFA National Convention & Expo took place in Indianapolis, Indiana. FFA advisors bring their members from all over the nation. For many, the convention is an opportunity to meet back with friends from across the nation. From the Virgin Islands to Texas, members of the FFA look forward to this weekend every year.
Mt. Vernon FFA members got to view Reynolds Farm Equipment in Fishers, Indiana, visit the convention center, and experience the Cinch Rodeo.
Many opportunities arise when it comes to convention, and at the convention center in Indianapolis, members were given chances to learn and get information about colleges and universities across the country. Career options were presented, along with ways to achieve goals. There was even a talent show, where students could sign up and display some unbelievable performances. When FFA members join together, large amounts of talent arise. There is always something leaving students on edge for what will come next.
At Reynolds Farm Equipment in Fishers, students from multiple FFA chapters where taken behind the scenes to view the repair process of John Deere equipment. Members were also permitted to have an inside look at how they operate the business, and how it affects the community as a whole. Students were given the magnificent opportunity to meet members from across the country, and make lasting friendships.
The Cinch Rodeo is known as the “World’s Toughest Rodeo.” During this rodeo, cowboys and riders alike risk injury in order to place and have a chance to earn money by riding bulls and riding broncs, which are wild or half-tamed horses. Eight seconds at a time, participants strove to hold on, and maintain their grip. Equestrian riding was also presented, where riders gracefully and elegantly gave breathtaking performances.
With many students on their way to success, the FFA has many paths possible for members. The 92nd National FFA Convention & Expo was an extremely exciting event, but all things came to an end and members returned to their homes, eager to continue to serve their communities in the future.