Sectionals and Regionals Game

Samuel Robert-Eze

About to score a touchdown!

Emerson Bridgewater, Staff Sports Writer

The MV football team defeated Pendleton 21-14 which led MV to their first ever appearance in regionals. The team has statistically improved since Coach Kirschner became the new head coach for the team.

Coach Kirschner was the head coach for Ben Davis before leaving the school to join the MV team and take the head coaching job. Coach Kirschner led Ben Davis to an undefeated season right before leaving to join MV.

“Kirschner has changed the whole culture at Mt. Vernon. He has made everyone believe that we are a lot better than we thought. He has motivated us on and off the field to be the best we can be, no matter how much adversity we go through,” said Rylan Cole, 11.

MV went on to defeat RonCalli 25-17, giving MV their first regionals win in the history of the school. 

MV lost to Evansville November 22nd. The game was in Evansville, where there is an hour time difference. The final score was 28-3 wrapping up a record setting season.