No Backpack Rule
More stories from Zyaria Hatcher
items in class
Welcome to “Word on the Street,” a new monthly segment where I will get the run-down on the low-down of what’s happening at MV. This month’s topic will cover the new backpack rule that was introduced at the beginning of this school year.
During summer break, the school sent out a revised list of rules, and one of them was the prohibition of backpacks in classrooms.The new change made many students furious. Some students took to Snap Chat and Instagram to voice their opinions on the new rule.
During summer break, a petition which got nearly 800 signatures, was created to bring back the backpacks. Some people even emailed counselors and administrators in an attempt to change their minds.
While there was a lot of uproar, some students do not mind the change. Some students do not mind the change, but it will take a while for some people to get used to it.
“At first I was very upset at the rule because using backpacks made life easier, but throughout the school days I have gotten accustomed to the new way. I still would love to be able to take my backpack to class,” said Aaliyah Harris, 11.
While in the first week of school, I have seen that people bumping into each other, dropping their school supplies, being late to class because their locker is far away, and forgetting things in their lockers and having to go back and get whatever it was that they forgot. Most have said that it is a huge struggle to constantly carry heavy textbooks, folders, and a laptop across the school causing annoyed kids and aching arms.
“Personally, I did not mind students having backpacks in school. It seemed more convenient for them to bypass their lockers and go straight from class to class, but, I did notice some students were abusing this freedom in different ways,” said Mr. Clarkson, U.S History and sociology teacher. “They would bring multiple bags into class and sloppily toss them in the aisles, causing problems navigating and supervising the classroom while stepping over their luggage. Since students were carrying everything with them, they had more time during passing periods. Some used this time wisely by getting to class early. Many used this extra time to increase their socializing.”
The school put this policy in action to help with school and classroom safety, just as they have locked off one of the entrances to the main office. Despite the ban, issues will still continue to find their way into our school.
She has been a member of the newspaper staff since my sophomore year of high school. I love writing and listening to music. I am super excited about what's...
Katelynn is a Senior, and her third year in newspaper. She participates in clubs and theatre at school. She loves to take pictures, hang out with friends...